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My Poems...


November 13, 2019



A man rode past me on a Gentleman.

That’s where the similarity ended.

I heard he was a Legend

So I thought about giving him a Wave,

But then I’d have to walk home.

Thank You (dedicated to the Bali Writers Retreat Group 2019... you know who you are)

October 21, 2019


For pizza and awkward questions.

For inspiring creativity even in the most insignificant of moments.

For filling my box of dreams.

For showing me body contortions that belong in a circus.

For a hundred one to ones that add up to more than 12100.

For opening Johari’s window so wide I no longer need air conditioning.

For giving me an extra ten minutes of reflection time while I waited for my toast.

For making me lose 2 Kg in tears alone.

For turning retreat into advance, words into deeds, profanity into insanity, ants into pants, concrete into compost, wine into water, surrender into courage, and a really decent fire into a smoke machine.

For reminding me to breathe.

For making me walk barefoot.

For raising the bar so high I need powder for my hands.

For not being a cult.

For releasing the bats.

Bali Ants

October 21, 2019

Why do ants congregate in my toilet?

Why do they love my bowl?

Is it the touch of the porcelain surface?

Does the void call out to their soul?

I do my best to dissuade them.

The bum gun is good for that.

But back they come, with their mates, just for fun

Wearing bathers and surfer hats.

I just want to sit in the knowledge,

That my ass is safe from the bite.

So fuck off, you little bastards,

And find another khazi to spite.


Loose lips sink ships.

They'd need to be loose to go over the funnel.


Apocalypse Then

The boy stood on the burning deck,

As he sang a valedictory.

He waved to Nelson 

Through smoke and flames

And said, 'It smells like Victory'.


In China I ate a lot of spaghetti.

It was much better than Chicken Machete.

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